Saturday 31 December 2011


5 days away
aaaaa i'm so not ready to see u dear exam!

today, 31st Dec 2011.
nothing special about this date but i wonder why some people are so busy bragging about this & that about this date.
one main reason myb because we are growing older 1 year ahead.
yeah today is my last TEEN year!
i'm turning 20 tomorrow.

there's no solid reason why i wrote this post. Insomnia might be the best reason why I'm still wide awake, busy updating my blog infront of the pc at 3AM like i got nothing better to do. study lah makcik!

5 days in a row without proper sleep.
10 middle fingers for u dear Mr. Insomnia! 

u're so not invited in my life ok. 
my bed misses me so much but nothing goes right when u're around.
10 middle fingers for u.


Sunday 25 December 2011

Nadya Akmal


her exact 1st birthday is today, 25th December 2011 but we've to celebrate it 1 day early bcz her grandparents from Sarawak will fly back to Sarawak today. she's so Retis yesterday. being in a good mood for the whole day. nahhh that's my niece ;D ahh i miss u Nadya! i took more than hundred just the picture of her alone. agagagaga only god knows how cute she is *forever cute* ;p especially when i put her on her brother's car. it was her first time. she drove it like a pro! and like a boss of course! 

cute isn't she ;D

her birthday cakes. Angah bought the red heart-shaped cake. it tastes so weird. blueberry cheesecake. seriously people. don't let angah decide anything for u. he got no taste at all HAHA

here is the best picture of her. i dono why but i really love this photo
she winked! but in blur version hehe

i'm so happy!

coz today is my birthday! wee~~


Sunday 18 December 2011


heeyo! me gonna compile some short stories from the past few weeks up till today. leggo!

 1st, Annual Law Dinner 2011 for LLB students. 10122011 at SACC. meet us the usherer! ;DD

with Idyvino, the cutest LawSoc committee! 

Princess Nana with her besties, Hamdan & Sofia 

with Anas. the famous Hang Tuah from Mock Trial!

winning moment when Hamdan & Idy dancing with Shila Amzah on the stage! ;p

thanks SCLC & Sofia for giving us the opportunity to be part of the committee! ;D

next, random. my classmates in purple. me in pink! sibuk.
Nana, Atila, Me, Nash & Farrah ;)

3rd, random. my Nene is back!! so happy to see him around. and i bought something for him from popmyberry ;D dont u dare to kiss the floor again ;( 

4th. classmates FTW! last Tuesday ustaz brought to PI to join an islamic business conference. 
meet some of my classmates. the one with blue color shirt is not our classmate. anak ustaz uolss. very the genius & really down to earth just like his father.  he's 18 this year. underage. too bad T_T gonna fly to UK next year but i'm not sure kos apa dia ambik. 

last. jeng jeng jeng!
Nabil, my 4y/o nephew involved in minor accident this evening with his aunties from Kelantan. 

get well soon baby boy! ;(

that's all for now. i'm so not in the mood. boi! 

Thursday 8 December 2011


sweet tak? sweet tak? sweet kan? hehe meet my parents! ahh cair tengok gambar ni. sedih pun ada ;( ntah bila Alel ambik gambar ni. jealous ;( nasib baik dekat laman rumah je. speechless. takde perkataan yang boleh describe perasaan sayang dekat my parents to banyak mana. I LOVE U BOTH IBU ABAH! infinity love for u guys! 

and this one gambar buka ramai2 semalam. thanks Abang Barra! 

Tuesday 6 December 2011


buka puasa ramai2. penat gaduh2 nak makan mana last2 makan kat Barra. -___- always like that tau. mencik! btw sangat seronok. yang penting kenyang plus boleh jogetjoget jumpa orang temerloh. frust Raihan, Ila & Shawal tak boleh join even diorang VVIP. next time k!

mine, Nasi Lemak Ayam Barra

orang temerloh! 

anak siapa ni comel sangat ;O




Shafiq the shyshy boy!

BFF! Farrah & Ain

Monday 5 December 2011


dah 3 lebih lebih pagi. kak joyah ni tak tidur lagi. siang bangun lambat. then sampai hostel pukul 11 tidur lagi sampai pukul 12. dah tu bila malam tak boleh tidur, mulalah nak nangis macam orang mati laki. 

kak joyah rindu makcik makcik dia. seronok sangat eh makcik makcik dia sekarang semua kat Shah Alam. sekolah rendah je sama2. naik sekolah menengah, kak joyah ni masuk asrama then sekolah kat Klang. memakcik 2 orang tu dapat jugak sekolah sama even kejap je. then makcik lagi sorang masuk asrama jugak. habis sekolah, sorang pi batang berjuntai which kak joyah ni tak boleh terima nama tempat tu. tergelak macam nak mati dengar nama tempat tu. ok lari topik. sorang lagi makcik dapat kat Dungun nananana ganu kita! kak joyah ni still stuck dekat Shah Alam -,- 

up sikit sorang makcik sambung study kat Shah Alam jugak. sebelah je kot! but susah nak jumpa even pagar je yang memisahkan kita ;( then up lagi sorang makcik ni praktikal kat Shah Alam pulak. heaven bukan? start ni la hidup lagi bermakna. tu yang asyik keluar malam je sampai tak ingat nak balik -.- lately banyak sangat spent masa dengan mereka. now dah balik hostel boring. rindu memakcik saya. lama tak tidur sama2.

apa yang buat kita rapat & bertahan sampai sekarang pun tak taulah. peliks. myb sebab kak joyah takde kakak. memakcik dua orang ni anak sulung. kira takde kakak jugak la kan? ;p ok merapu. now kak joyah sorang tengah stress dengan final. sorang makcik tu cuti sem. sorang lagi sedap practical makan hotel hari2. selalu masakkan hero2 Harimau Malaya. sangat stress. cepatlah exam habis. kak joyah nak layan movie sampai gila.

next time nak jugak cerita pasal memakcik ni. tengah cari feel. now kena study Korean. bai!

Sunday 4 December 2011

rainy sunday

petang tadi lepak tasik with hunny & sugar. sampai2 dah gerimis then tak lama tu hujan lebat gila. tak sempat nak lari so stuck bawah pokok. awwww romantik ok ;D posing bawah pokok. serious hujan lebat gila. nasib ada pokok tu so tak basah sangat. nak pergi kat kereta jauh pulak kan. ada 2 couples of pengantin tengah photoshoot. shuwitt ;p 

then masing2 kebulur ecxept me. mieza nak KFC, Nisa nak Mcd, me want Tutti Frutti! dah kenapa obses gila. padahal 1st time makan bukan main kutuk2. makcik2 tu bangkang habis habisan Tutti Frutti so makan McD je. sebelum tu singgah Berry's. cheesetart dia AWESOME gila i tell ya! dah lah gemuks gemuks. memang superb la. then nak hilangkan kempunan, masuk jugak Tutti Frutti. but tengok je lah ;( 

lepak McD hujan dia sangat lebat uollss. we olls duduk kat luar. makan tempiaskan hujan. feeling habis. tiga2 melantak Prosperity + its so-called arak, yang pada hakikatnya nak makan benda lain. sangat teruja eh bila balik banjir sana sini. feeling naik star cruise gitu. Rindu Hariz ;(

dating bawah pokok tengah hujan. romantik bukan.

nisa & mieza <3 <3 <3


kejap lagi nak balik mawar dah. serious takde mood. assignment tiba2 datang dengan penuh berdebuk debuk. 3 minggu lagi nak final. mengapakah tidak di bagi awal awal? dengan test nya lagi. down gila. 

actually post ni nak cerita pasal my Trio. macam mana, bila kenal & bla bla bla  but takde mood pulak bila bila ingat test semua tu. stress nyah!

Friday 2 December 2011

ombak rindu

ok lah. not so bad. watak Hariz tak sampai sangat for me. the director should find someone else to replace Aaron because i asyik angau je tengok muka Aaron muahahaha. jealous bai dengan his wife. untung gila kot. badan superb sexy. ketak2 here & there. 

agak epic perjalanan nak tengok movie tu. petang tu pulak ada training for SAF. dah la tunggu abang ong sejam lebih baru sampai. nasib baik training kejap je then siap2. Mieza, Nisa, Iwan & Sarah datang ambik pukul 7. sampai JJ Bukit Raja jalan laju2 pergi beli ticket. ticket semua fullhouse! pukul 8 ada 2 available. tu pun wayang lain2. memang tak lah. then beli 1030 punya. memang tepat2 tinggal 5. tempat semua tercampak sorang utara selatan timur barat tenggara. Ombak Rindu punya pasal terpaksa masing2 seat separately. 

lama bai cerita dia. 2H10M. longest malay movie ever! it's not  a bad movie after all. just that the story line banyak lari from the actual novel. but seriously lama gila. ingatkan on 12 dah habis. tunggu punya tunggu tak jugak habis. panas punggung duduk. memang tak boleh duduk diam dah. tunggu 1230 pun tak habis jugak. then 1240 habis jugak. sangat mengundang. lepas movie terus balik 0130 pagi baru sampai rumah. tak boleh masuk Mawar dah so balik rumah je ;D

nak husband macam Hariz boleh? macam Aaron pun ok jugak but tak nak share dengan siapa2 ;DD

Tuesday 29 November 2011


3AM. still wide awake. kenot shleep ;( tomorrow morning ada test TITAS. baru pukul 11 tadi terhegeh hegeh nak bukak buku. 64 pages kena cover. fine. i just baca. skip this skip that. and tadaaa im finished reading. but nothing goes to my mind. dai bebi dai. esok menggoreng je lah time test. must wake up early & datang kelas awal. if ada test everyone suddenly datang awal. reason, cop seat belakang. easy to copy. pandainya my classmates ;D 

*still stress with my new blog. hodoh ya amat ;(

Monday 28 November 2011

new blog!

heeyo people i'm back! this is my 2nd blog. 1st one dah remove few months ago. sedih but terpaksa. now rindu nak berblogging so that's the reason i created this new account. yup memang susah nak attract new follower but who cares? really miss my old account. i like the design damn much & i know i can't design something awesome like that anymore cause it's been ages i didn't 'blogging' so i kinda forget or in other words not pro enough to edit this edit that & make this account awesome like the older one. *perasan much* teehee. well i'll try my best. 

i'm kinda busy right now. tons of assignments need to be settle. dateline on December & now kita dah dekat  end of November right so i really running out of time. i dont even....... start yet -__- smack me for that. lazy ass. dono why since masuk degree ni sangat malas ok! sumpah malas. all i know is sleep! sleep! and sleep like there's no tomorrow. final exam is just around the corner, within 4 weeks time but honestly i dont know what have i learned through out this sem. how to apply JPA then? dream on baby!

ok enough with bebelan. nak story pasal semalam & today but later meleret pulak my 1st post ni. btw nak cakap jugak i'll make it short ;p yesterday Saturday ada ceramah kesat then after that i went to Pizza Hut Sec 7. had my lunch there with Sofia, Aliff, Cyrill & Nasyitah. malam before that ada mock trial uitm. 

meet my classmates: Nasyitah(actress), Assaleenah (kelas gabung), Farhana, Aimi (actor, Datin Seri Paduka Jamilah), Alya, Azrina & me!

awesome performance by them eventhough ramai cakap biasa je compared with UM. well hello dah cukup gempak kot for 1st timer. nvm UiTM Dihatiku! ok lets move on to today's topic. supposedly nak pergi bukit jalil tengok match Malaysia vs Bahrain but tak jadi so keluar berjimba with my honey & sugar after maghrib. 1st pergi hantar my Nene kat Pas. then tak tahu nak lepak mana so end up pergi Barra jugak -___- Malaysia kalah so takde frust sangat tak dapat pergi stadium hehe. then after the match we went to Tutti Frutti. dem expensive doe. i think that will be my 1st & last makan that unridiculous expensive icecream. aiskrim malaysia will always be in my heart. seriously! but i dont mind if someone nak belanja hekhekhek. 

enuf! dah preview this post. dem buruklah. i need my old acc! ;( ok bai night!